
Holo Professor’ is presented and displayed during the briefing of enVision 2025-Action Plan 2023 for FC’s lecturers and staff. 

Due to the spark of Covid-19 virus all around the world, online meeting platforms has become a popular tool of communication especially among learning institutions. With the improvements in technologies, we may connect using these online conference programmes (such as Webex, Google Meet, and Zoom) via talking, expressing reactions, and sharing screens.

However, allowing us to communicate in a more dynamic and interactive manner without the need for pre-recording preparation and with no restrictions on remote audiences in real-time would be ideal.

Hence, on 8th February 2023, we presented ‘Holo Professor’ – a real time holographic telepresence technology during the briefing of enVision 2025-Action Plan 2023 for FC’s lecturers and staff for the first time ever in UTM. ‘Holo Professor has successfully developed by an expert in Augmented and Virtual Reality, Dr Ajune Wanis Ismail, with her technical team from Mixed and Virtual Environment Research Lab (mivielab), subsets in UTM ViCubeLab Research Group at the Faculty of Computing (FC), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). 

Prof. Ts. Dr Wan Mohd Nasir Wan Kadir delivering his talk during the event in holographics telepresence.

“This is our very own UTM’s first in-house 3D holographic telepresence technology. Our ‘Holo Professor’ is a real-time and live speech, not a pre-recorded video.”

“With ‘Holo Professor’, our FC’s Dean, Prof. Ts. Dr Wan Mohd Nasir Wan Kadir, is making his speech, providing a live presentation, and holding a live meeting with all FC’s academics and employees while he is in another place,” Dr Ajune explained.


Dr Ajune Wanis Ismail with her dedicated research team taking pictures beside Prof. Ts. Dr Wan Mohd Nasir Wan Kadir in holographic telepresence.

“We did not employ a green screen or hefty infrastructure to record the local user, and we can display a remote user seamlessly without latency. With this innovation, our teachers and lecturers will be able to be physically present in their lessons,” Dr Ajune remarked.

Faculty of Computing UTM produces the nation’s talent in Artificial Intelligence (AI), Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR). – Image by Safri Wahid.

D.I.A.N.A Developers’ Team :