Dr. Suhaila : PSM projects available

Dr Suhaila has a topic for SCSJ students. Tajuk projek (Project Title): Sistem Pengurusan Projek Sarjana Muda Sekolah Kejuruteraan Mekanikal ( Final Year Project Management System for School of Mechanical Engineering) Sinopsis Projek (Project Synopsis): Membangunkan...

Dr Maheyzah: Projects offered

Dr Maheyzah has 2 PSM research topics for all you still ‘window shopping’ for PSM topics. Please contact her at (maheyzah @ utm.my) for more details. Privacy preservation approach for big data Pedophile detection based on digital evidence...

Puan Rashidah: Projects offered

More topics on offer for PSM1 students in need of one. Here are some on offer by Puan Rashidah Kadir, who can be contacted via (rashidah @ utm.my).    1. Problem based learning (PBL) for cryptography: Process and Problem/case study formulation   2. Impact of...

PM Dr Asri: Projects offered

Here are another batch of interesting topics for all you PSM1 candidates! These topics are offered by PM Dr Md Asri Bin Ngadi who can be reached via (dr.asri @ utm.my). So hop to it people!   Pembangunan Sistem Pemantauan Penggunaan Nutrisi bagi Tumbuh-tumbuhan...