On 19 March 2024, JKPSM FC organized the PSM briefing session with all students in FC registered in either PSM1 or PSM2. Please find the video here....


Here is a brief of the PSM calendar - to help you manage your time, studies and project. PSM1 CALENDAR BRIEF PSM2 CALENDAR BRIEF

PSM Thesis Template 2019

This is the new template for your thesis. Starting from Semester 2 20182019, it is COMPULSORY to use this template. Template Tesis UTM PSM UG SC -...

PSM2 Online system user manual (student)

Please use this as a guide to registration into the system. Only registered PSM2 students need to do so.   Student guide to PSM2 online system...

Plagiarism and PSM

To combat plagiarism and maintain integrity within the Final Year Projects (PSM), the PSM comittee has decided to enforce a Turnitin submission...

A flash view of PSM

A new semester marks a batch of new students attempting their Final Year Project (affectionately known as PSM by all). To all PSM1 and PSM2...

Your PSM Guideline – PSM Handbook and notes

PSM Handbook is a special manual guidelines created by Faculty (particularly: Final Year Project Committee) to assist PSM 1 and PSM 2 students in...