PSM Thesis Template 2019

PSM Thesis Template 2019

This is the new template for your thesis. Starting from Semester 2 20182019, it is COMPULSORY to use this template. Template Tesis UTM PSM UG SC – Research Template Tesis UTM PSM UG SC – System Development
Plagiarism and PSM

Plagiarism and PSM

To combat plagiarism and maintain integrity within the Final Year Projects (PSM), the PSM comittee has decided to enforce a Turnitin submission rule, that all students (and SV) must adhere to. Supervisors are urged to help and guide students through this. The rule...
A flash view of PSM

A flash view of PSM

A new semester marks a batch of new students attempting their Final Year Project (affectionately known as PSM by all). To all PSM1 and PSM2 students, here is a flash view of the people involved in your PSM besides yourself. People It is imperative (or should I say...