
Faculty of Computing

Online System & Quick Access


myUTM is designed to assist and equip students with one-stop station to access elearning and aimsweb.


E-Learning is UTM online system to assist students to get access directly to learning and teaching materials. To login to Elearning portal ( Use your Academic Computing ID (ACID) to login).

Final Year Project (PSM)

The undertaken project must include programming elements with appropriate users’s complexity and meets PSM scop


Students Evaluation of Teaching System Online (e-PPP) is designed to evaluate teaching and courses that enrolled by our students.

Training and Courses

Faculty of Computing offers online training and professional development online to support the mission Malaysia Digital Media Industry towards 4th Revolution Industry.

Course Registration

Students who have already registered for a study programme in a particular semester are required to register all courses that they intend to take for that particular semester.

Rental Our Facilities

We provide facilities open for rental. Hit this link to see our potential facilities such as Lab, Seminar Hall, Lectures Room and more

Lab Management

A source of quality and laboratories management services and innovative to achieve the aspirations of the University.

UTM News about FC

Get the latest news and information about our faculty from UTM official news-hub

Industrial Training

Industrial training is a main component in the Bachelor of Computer Science curriculum at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM).

FC Oshe

Akta OSH 1994 yang digariskan oleh Jabatan Keselamatan dan Kesihatan di bawah Kementerian Sumber Manusia, Malaysia


To create integration of three sustainability entities, which are Green, Energy and 5S Program

FC Photo Gallery

Faculty of Computing events and activities pictures have been uploaded and stored here. Check it out.

For Staffs

Slides from past staff engagement with faculty’s Dean

Blended Teaching & Learning System

Implementation of Blended Teaching & Learning System (BLTS) in FC during pandemic



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